Upgrade from OsTicket 1.6
You can install the Katak-system saving the data of an already installed osTicket ver. 1.6 ST system.
You have to:
1) Do a safety backup of the original database and of the attachments folder.
2) Make sure you have done a good backup of the original database and of the attachments folder and write down the DB connection parameters.
3) Delete all the files BUT the attachment directory of the osTicket system.
4) Upload on the server all the file of the Katak-support system.
5) Start a usual installation, but select first the tab upgrade and follow the instructions.
6) Enter as administrator and check the system configuration.
7) Check the setting of the attachments folder.
8) For security reasons, ask to all the staff members to change their password.
Note: If you database is big, be sure to have enough time and memory to run the PHP upgrade script!